Annotation Interface RespectBinding

@Target({TYPE,METHOD,FIELD}) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @WebServiceFeatureAnnotation(id="", bean=RespectBindingFeature.class) public @interface RespectBinding
This feature clarifies the use of the wsdl:binding in a Jakarta XML Web Services runtime.

This annotation MUST only be used in conjunction the jakarta.jws.WebService, WebServiceProvider, WebServiceRef annotations. When used with the jakarta.jws.WebService annotation this annotation MUST only be used on the service endpoint implementation class. When used with a WebServiceRef annotation, this annotation MUST only be used when a proxy instance is created. The injected SEI proxy, and endpoint MUST honor the values of the RespectBinding annotation.

This annotation's behaviour is defined by the corresponding feature RespectBindingFeature.

1.6, JAX-WS 2.1
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Specifies if this feature is enabled or disabled.
  • Element Details

    • enabled

      boolean enabled
      Specifies if this feature is enabled or disabled.
      true if this feature is enabled, false otherwise